FACT 1:The house gecko is displacing the previously established mourning gecko in urban areas
Populations of the two species are more stable in rural areas far from human settlement.
FACT 2:The house gecko prevents the mourning gecko from feeding on insects.
The correct answer will link the two fact, will be something that show a difference between the two areas.
How they reproduce, how they arrived on the island, why they are valued are all out of scope.
A. In urban areas, geckos are valued because they eat so many insects.
C. House geckos that arrive on islands are carried there in boats and planes.
E. Mourning geckos are all females and reproduce asexually, but house geckos reproduce sexually.
The real contenders IMO are B and D.
B. Geckos defend territories against other members of the same species.
This is not actually a difference between the two areas (it is not specified where this happens) and moreover it does not link fact 1 and fact 2.
D. places where there are lighted buildings, insects tend to gather around the light.
where there are lighted buildings (URBAN AREAS) insects tend to gather around the light + FACT 2:The house gecko prevents the mourning gecko from feeding on insects. => FACT 1.
Populations of the two species are more stable in rural areas far from human settlement.
FACT 2:The house gecko prevents the mourning gecko from feeding on insects.
The correct answer will link the two fact, will be something that show a difference between the two areas.
How they reproduce, how they arrived on the island, why they are valued are all out of scope.
A. In urban areas, geckos are valued because they eat so many insects.
C. House geckos that arrive on islands are carried there in boats and planes.
E. Mourning geckos are all females and reproduce asexually, but house geckos reproduce sexually.
The real contenders IMO are B and D.
B. Geckos defend territories against other members of the same species.
This is not actually a difference between the two areas (it is not specified where this happens) and moreover it does not link fact 1 and fact 2.
D. places where there are lighted buildings, insects tend to gather around the light.
where there are lighted buildings (URBAN AREAS) insects tend to gather around the light + FACT 2:The house gecko prevents the mourning gecko from feeding on insects. => FACT 1.