Is there any other way to solve this problem? I'm having trouble understanding the principles behind it. How did you know to use central angles?
Each read angle is equal and all three together constitute for 360°, thus each is equal to 360/3=120.
As for the difficulty: I'd say it's ~600.
Thank you
.. That gives me clarity
pavan2185 wrote:
Bunuel wrote:
pavan2185 wrote:
Look at the diagram below:Each of the three red central angles is 120°
Can you please explain this part? ( Which concept is applied here?)
and what is the level of this question?
Can you please explain this part? ( Which concept is applied here?)
and what is the level of this question?
Each read angle is equal and all three together constitute for 360°, thus each is equal to 360/3=120.
As for the difficulty: I'd say it's ~600.
Thank you