why is D not the answer. D. If more lawyers advertise lower prices for specific services, some lawyers who do not advertise will also charge less than they currently charge for those services.
This argument already has a conclusion in the "therefore" in the last sentence.
if overall consumer legal costs will be lower, than it's because more lawyers will advertise lower prices, so then even the lawyers who do not advertise will have to also charge less
for doe007's response to why D is wrong, i feel like i can also apply it to choice C, why does removing the restriction automatically mean that more people will advertise?
This argument already has a conclusion in the "therefore" in the last sentence.
if overall consumer legal costs will be lower, than it's because more lawyers will advertise lower prices, so then even the lawyers who do not advertise will have to also charge less
for doe007's response to why D is wrong, i feel like i can also apply it to choice C, why does removing the restriction automatically mean that more people will advertise?