I agree with ManhattanReview - one ding analysis is enough. I would suggest you pick an application you thought was the best and see how comments/suggestions come out from the analysis.
As for taking online courses, 2 at most 3 is what I've seen people utilise to create their alternative transcript. The key is really not the number but doing well in the course (i.e. get an A). Examples of courses would be Intro to micro / macroeconomics, statistics, calculus, that type of course. Just anything that is outwardly quantitative and demonstrate your quant ability.
It makes more sense now that you applied to 3 schools per round. The tough part was the 3 schools you applied to in R1 are extremely competitive and applying to any school in round 3 is basically a lottery even with a good GPA.
As for taking online courses, 2 at most 3 is what I've seen people utilise to create their alternative transcript. The key is really not the number but doing well in the course (i.e. get an A). Examples of courses would be Intro to micro / macroeconomics, statistics, calculus, that type of course. Just anything that is outwardly quantitative and demonstrate your quant ability.
It makes more sense now that you applied to 3 schools per round. The tough part was the 3 schools you applied to in R1 are extremely competitive and applying to any school in round 3 is basically a lottery even with a good GPA.