dave785 wrote:
It's B, but this question plays more on the tester's knowledge of the meaning/use of "corresponding"
Do you think this would be a GMAT question? It seems less idiomatic and more of a vocabulary thing.
Do you think this would be a GMAT question? It seems less idiomatic and more of a vocabulary thing.
Dear Dave,
Well, I guess I would say that Diction is one of the areas that GMAT SC tests. (Diction = the correct meaning and use of individual words, including difficult words such as "corresponding.") In fact, there's a question in the OG13 that plays on this exact distinction ---- SC #14 ---- and, another question that plays on the adjective/adverb split of the same word is SC #75. So, yes, I would say, by the standards set in the OG, what's tested in this question is "fair game" for the GMAT.