Hello JenK!!!
Thank you very much for your independent assessment! Your post made me think deeply about my essay strategy and what soft skills to convey.
Here are some thoughts, and I'd really appreciate your input.
First, my past + MBA = my future goals.
It's definitely been a challenge for me to fit in the allowed 500 or even 750 word space how I am going to use my past and MBA toward my ultimate goal of starting a social enterprise and improving healthcare access in the underdeveloped world. There is simply not enough space if I want to be clear about it especially because I probably have more explaining to do about my past than say an investment banker applicant does. So....., I am considering to change my essay strategy and present my long-term goal as what I previously considered as my mid-term goal or step which is to help biotech startups develop business strategies as an consultant.
I have broken down "my past + MBA = my future goals" into two components.
1. Transferable skills bewteen my past and desired post MBA professions as schools must be concerned about their applicants' employability.
2. How my knowledge in biology, R&D experience and MBA toghether will create the me who is capable of creating impact in a way that few can.
Regarding #1, I will explain operations involved in research activities in order to showcase some of the transerable skills. My work involves data-driven decision making regarding future directions, strategizing ways to test hypotheses while being aware of each method's strengths and weaknesses, executing the tests, analyzing and interpreting the data that we collect, and reporting. Managing research projects through these operations has trained my analytical and problem-solving skills.
Regarding #2, I have the understanding of molecular biology, neurology, immunology and translational research experience, which allows me to read about and understand the concept behind different biotechnologies and their potential use for treatments and R&D activities. Now I would like leverage this ability to go to the business side of science.
However, I lack knowledge on and experience in business development. I inted to get the knowledge through an MBA program and real world experience in developing busineses by working for a management consulting company before becoming an independent consultant for biotech startups.
Do you think the connection is clear enough for people outside my field?
Regarding Why Now - inspired by recent advancement in biotechnologies dramatically transforming the prospect of fighting deadly diseases including aggressive cancer. I think this is an exciting time for those who want to cure diseases. I have been thinking about this for a while, but I now have more concrete steps to take after consulting with a career coach. Business eduction is the next step on my to do list.
And what are some good ways to combat the perception that I may be over-experienced? This is really diffcult for me because from where I am standing, yes, I have significant experience in what I do, but when it comes to business, I have less knowledge and experience than say a recent graduate with a BA in Business. I do not know anything about accounting, finance, ecnomics, let along how to figure out the feasibilty of a business plan, how to pitch a business plan to a venture capital, how to hire talented individuals to do finance for a company and so on.
Thanks for raising the importance of soft skills in business. Yes, I have had my own projects, research projects, that I take care of from start to finish. That's the nautre of reseach activities and authoring publications. Mentored fellow undergrads as an undergrad, mentored in research and taught undergrad courses as a grad student, now supervise new people's projects while I work on my own. I have also worked with people from all over the world, from which I learned that my common sense was actually not "common" sense. I have worked with someone with a female authority issue, for instance, which is kind of rare in our culture or at least for our generation...and learned to focus on produced results no matter what.
p.s. Yes ,I will definitely look into the schools you suggested also, perhaps for Round 2.
Thank you very much for your independent assessment! Your post made me think deeply about my essay strategy and what soft skills to convey.
Here are some thoughts, and I'd really appreciate your input.
First, my past + MBA = my future goals.
It's definitely been a challenge for me to fit in the allowed 500 or even 750 word space how I am going to use my past and MBA toward my ultimate goal of starting a social enterprise and improving healthcare access in the underdeveloped world. There is simply not enough space if I want to be clear about it especially because I probably have more explaining to do about my past than say an investment banker applicant does. So....., I am considering to change my essay strategy and present my long-term goal as what I previously considered as my mid-term goal or step which is to help biotech startups develop business strategies as an consultant.
I have broken down "my past + MBA = my future goals" into two components.
1. Transferable skills bewteen my past and desired post MBA professions as schools must be concerned about their applicants' employability.
2. How my knowledge in biology, R&D experience and MBA toghether will create the me who is capable of creating impact in a way that few can.
Regarding #1, I will explain operations involved in research activities in order to showcase some of the transerable skills. My work involves data-driven decision making regarding future directions, strategizing ways to test hypotheses while being aware of each method's strengths and weaknesses, executing the tests, analyzing and interpreting the data that we collect, and reporting. Managing research projects through these operations has trained my analytical and problem-solving skills.
Regarding #2, I have the understanding of molecular biology, neurology, immunology and translational research experience, which allows me to read about and understand the concept behind different biotechnologies and their potential use for treatments and R&D activities. Now I would like leverage this ability to go to the business side of science.
However, I lack knowledge on and experience in business development. I inted to get the knowledge through an MBA program and real world experience in developing busineses by working for a management consulting company before becoming an independent consultant for biotech startups.
Do you think the connection is clear enough for people outside my field?
Regarding Why Now - inspired by recent advancement in biotechnologies dramatically transforming the prospect of fighting deadly diseases including aggressive cancer. I think this is an exciting time for those who want to cure diseases. I have been thinking about this for a while, but I now have more concrete steps to take after consulting with a career coach. Business eduction is the next step on my to do list.
And what are some good ways to combat the perception that I may be over-experienced? This is really diffcult for me because from where I am standing, yes, I have significant experience in what I do, but when it comes to business, I have less knowledge and experience than say a recent graduate with a BA in Business. I do not know anything about accounting, finance, ecnomics, let along how to figure out the feasibilty of a business plan, how to pitch a business plan to a venture capital, how to hire talented individuals to do finance for a company and so on.
Thanks for raising the importance of soft skills in business. Yes, I have had my own projects, research projects, that I take care of from start to finish. That's the nautre of reseach activities and authoring publications. Mentored fellow undergrads as an undergrad, mentored in research and taught undergrad courses as a grad student, now supervise new people's projects while I work on my own. I have also worked with people from all over the world, from which I learned that my common sense was actually not "common" sense. I have worked with someone with a female authority issue, for instance, which is kind of rare in our culture or at least for our generation...and learned to focus on produced results no matter what.
p.s. Yes ,I will definitely look into the schools you suggested also, perhaps for Round 2.