lindalibinbin wrote:
jumsumtak wrote:
lindalibinbin wrote:
What do people here respond to the question of which other institution are you applying to? It says it's only for statistical reasons, but I really don't want to tell them what other programs I'm applying to. I don't want them to start making assumptions on whether or not Haas is a backup (it's not, but I don't want to risk it).
Don't say you're not applying to any. They will also receive your GMAT score card, which will have a list of 5 schools. Also, don't say you like small class environment and the other school you're applying to is H or W. Be coherent with your story.
Well I didn't send my score to any schools when I did my GMAT, my official score report is blank on that section. I wonder if they have any way of finding out what I'm actually applying to.
I dont think they do. But, it will be hard to believe that you are only applying to Haas. I don't see much harm putting in names there.