Apologies for the late reply, for some strange reasons I did not receive any mails from Gmatclub about posts reply. Will try and answer the queries in a single post.
I whole hearty believe that GMATprep questions pack 1 is a good representation of actual test day GMAT questions. All questions in the set are stimulating and bring forth enormous knowledge. For each question type, you have option to choose easy/medium/hard questions and you can perform timed set of varying difficulty to test your consistency and time management. Also, each questions comes with official answers and there is support for few on forums too. High recommend it. Good luck for your exam.
With regards to level of difficulty, I found the questions on the actual GMAT were at par with high level questions from OG & GMATPrep. And yes, meaning was a big component of my SC questions along with couple of idiom questions (single worded questions). I would highly recommend from personal prep that you place as much emphasis on meaning as you place on grammar. There is no harm in understanding meaning of wrong answer choices too, even if you get a answer correct. The idea is to train the mind.
I got 3 short but dense passages and 1 long passage. Both Veritas question bank and Manhattan CATs offer similar passages however, veritas RCs are slightly long. During your prep, there is no harm in training your mind to stay focussed when faced with long passages.
The short passages are dense and it is essential to understand the passages well to solve inference questions. I felt, Gmatprep question set 1 had very similar had RC questions compared to the actual GMAT RCs. Good luck for your prep.
atultiwari27 wrote:
How good representative are these questions when compared to the real deal? I have my exam in 20 days..Should I go ahead and buy those??
I whole hearty believe that GMATprep questions pack 1 is a good representation of actual test day GMAT questions. All questions in the set are stimulating and bring forth enormous knowledge. For each question type, you have option to choose easy/medium/hard questions and you can perform timed set of varying difficulty to test your consistency and time management. Also, each questions comes with official answers and there is support for few on forums too. High recommend it. Good luck for your exam.
saidyuti wrote:
How was SC - I hear from forum members that it is much tougher than the OG and GMATPrep? Mostly meaning based??
Did you guess any of the questions - verbal?
Did you guess any of the questions - verbal?
With regards to level of difficulty, I found the questions on the actual GMAT were at par with high level questions from OG & GMATPrep. And yes, meaning was a big component of my SC questions along with couple of idiom questions (single worded questions). I would highly recommend from personal prep that you place as much emphasis on meaning as you place on grammar. There is no harm in understanding meaning of wrong answer choices too, even if you get a answer correct. The idea is to train the mind.
fozzzy wrote:
How would you rate the passages on the actual GMAT? Were they long? Out of the mock tests you have taken verities / manhattan etc which test was an accurate predictor and was close to the real exam?
I got 3 short but dense passages and 1 long passage. Both Veritas question bank and Manhattan CATs offer similar passages however, veritas RCs are slightly long. During your prep, there is no harm in training your mind to stay focussed when faced with long passages.
The short passages are dense and it is essential to understand the passages well to solve inference questions. I felt, Gmatprep question set 1 had very similar had RC questions compared to the actual GMAT RCs. Good luck for your prep.