Hi daisyhill1. I understand your inquiries.
First of all, determining correct conclusion is always difficult in GMAT because :
(1) there are many pieces of information in one argument. You may be distracted by irrelevant information.
(2) It's possible that there are more than one conclusions in an argument, one is intermediate conclusion, and other is main conclusion.
So, determine correct conclusion is KEY in critical reasoning (excepts questions without conclusions, and asks you to find the conclusions).
Back to your question.
Because you're studying Power Score CR - Bible (the best book of CR), so you should follow its instruction. NEVER assume the first or last sentence are conclusions.
The first example:
Even though there is not conclusion indicator (thus, therefore, so, conclude that....), you can see the first sentence is the main conclusion. Because:
(1) Other information just supports the main point "TV has a harmful effect on society".
(2) You can use famous technique presented in the book - "Conclusion Identification Method". Just plug in "because" and "therefore" to the argument, if they make sense, you determine the conclusion correctly.
Let try: Because of poor school performance of children who watch ......, therefore TV has a harmful effect on society.
Do they make sense, yes they do!. So the conclusion is determined correctly.
The second example:
(1) You can see the conclusion indicator - Consequently, it is a strong indicator that tells you "This is a conclusion".
(2) If you still have a doubt, use "Conclusion identification Method". Plug in "because" and therefore" to the argument.
Let try: Because the rapid diminishment of the ecosystem of the Amazon threatens the entire planet, therefore, we must take immediate steps to convince .......
Yeah! The logic is correct, there is no doubt the sentence after "consequently" is exactly the main conclusion.
(1) Use conclusion indicators such as: therefore, so, thus, consequently, can conclude that,.....
(2) Use "Conclusion Identification Method" - Plug in "because" and "therefore"
(3) NEVER assume the first or last sentence are conclusions.
Hope that helps.
First of all, determining correct conclusion is always difficult in GMAT because :
(1) there are many pieces of information in one argument. You may be distracted by irrelevant information.
(2) It's possible that there are more than one conclusions in an argument, one is intermediate conclusion, and other is main conclusion.
So, determine correct conclusion is KEY in critical reasoning (excepts questions without conclusions, and asks you to find the conclusions).
Back to your question.
Because you're studying Power Score CR - Bible (the best book of CR), so you should follow its instruction. NEVER assume the first or last sentence are conclusions.
The first example:
Even though there is not conclusion indicator (thus, therefore, so, conclude that....), you can see the first sentence is the main conclusion. Because:
(1) Other information just supports the main point "TV has a harmful effect on society".
(2) You can use famous technique presented in the book - "Conclusion Identification Method". Just plug in "because" and "therefore" to the argument, if they make sense, you determine the conclusion correctly.
Let try: Because of poor school performance of children who watch ......, therefore TV has a harmful effect on society.
Do they make sense, yes they do!. So the conclusion is determined correctly.
The second example:
(1) You can see the conclusion indicator - Consequently, it is a strong indicator that tells you "This is a conclusion".
(2) If you still have a doubt, use "Conclusion identification Method". Plug in "because" and therefore" to the argument.
Let try: Because the rapid diminishment of the ecosystem of the Amazon threatens the entire planet, therefore, we must take immediate steps to convince .......
Yeah! The logic is correct, there is no doubt the sentence after "consequently" is exactly the main conclusion.
(1) Use conclusion indicators such as: therefore, so, thus, consequently, can conclude that,.....
(2) Use "Conclusion Identification Method" - Plug in "because" and "therefore"
(3) NEVER assume the first or last sentence are conclusions.
Hope that helps.