arpanpatnaik wrote:
The option [E] gives a parallel infinitive form of the verb in both the parts of the sentence i.e. "to encourage Turkey" and "to withdraw from", which no other choice provides. I believe that plays an imp factor in the choices as well and can be easily detected.
Please correct me if I am wrong!
hi ,
i got your point what you are thinking but in my opinion thats not the error i think.
whenever there is parallelism there must be a parallelism marker such as....and/or...etc.
now in the given sentence
The recently reelected president of Cyprus has asked that the United States would encourage Turkey, which invaded the island in 1974 and now controls their northern regions, to withdraw from his country.
(A) that the United States would encourage Turkey, which invaded the island in 1974 and now controls their
(B) of the United States that it would encourage Turkey, which invaded the island in 1974 and now controls their
(C) that the United States would encourage Turkey, which invaded the island in 1974 and now controls its
(D) that the United States encourage Turkey, which invaded the island in 1974 and now controls their
(E) the United States to encourage Turkey, which invaded the island in 1974 and now controls its
The part starting with ..."which invaded........northern regions" is actually acting as modifier and is modifying turkey.
now if remove the modifier the sentence becomes
"The recently reelected president of Cyprus has asked that the United States to encourage Turkey to withdraw from his country.
now in this sentence between TO ENCOURAGE and TO WITHDRAW....there is no parallelism marker so as per my opinion it is not necessary to make them parallel and that is not the basis to eliminate.
hope it helps.