Thanks in advance for your review; my stats are as follows:
Work Experience: Have spent 2+ years in the analytics domain as of now.
Took a plunge into an entrepreneurship opportunity for a period of ~8 months but that didn't work out so well.
GMAT Score: 740
Undergrad: 6.3/10 CGPA, B.Tech IIT Delhi. Don't know how the adcoms consider this CGPA.
Extra-Curriculars: Was a little involved during undergrad, but have no volunteer extra - curricular experience since graduating. In short, I haven't done much outside the office since graduating, so I suspect this is my weakest point?
Target Programs: Confused
Application Cycle: R1 for Fall of 2014 intake
It would be great to hear which schools I should be targeting, and with what likelihood of success (reach, within range, safety). Any feedback regarding weak points that I should consider shoring up, or if I should consider applying a year later to shore up weak points would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your review; my stats are as follows:
Work Experience: Have spent 2+ years in the analytics domain as of now.
Took a plunge into an entrepreneurship opportunity for a period of ~8 months but that didn't work out so well.
GMAT Score: 740
Undergrad: 6.3/10 CGPA, B.Tech IIT Delhi. Don't know how the adcoms consider this CGPA.
Extra-Curriculars: Was a little involved during undergrad, but have no volunteer extra - curricular experience since graduating. In short, I haven't done much outside the office since graduating, so I suspect this is my weakest point?
Target Programs: Confused
Application Cycle: R1 for Fall of 2014 intake
It would be great to hear which schools I should be targeting, and with what likelihood of success (reach, within range, safety). Any feedback regarding weak points that I should consider shoring up, or if I should consider applying a year later to shore up weak points would be appreciated.